
Released In September

Ghost For Sale-highres-1TIKET200 is a game that is the pride of many players because of its unusual benefits because you can get benefits up to very big prizes to get a win that is certain to be happy with all the benefits that will be obtained from this online game.


Released in August

Love-Lattes-and-Danger-highres-200x300It’s a dirty job, but some mutant’s got to do it…

Joel Eisler is a mutant with special talents. He can detect an oil leak in the ocean simply by tasting the water. Because of this unique ability, he’s been purchased by a large oil company, along with his dolph sister, Amy. The upside of spending his days and nights in the ocean is that it gives him the opportunity to save the lives of his brother dolphins. The downsides are life as a closely monitored slave—and that he can’t be with Piper, the dolph-girl he loves…

To make matters worse, Joel discovers the lab he grew up in has extracted his sperm and Piper’s egg and created a baby, and his handler, Craven, is plotting to kidnap Amy for more experiments. Now Joel must rescue the infant, bring her to Piper, and find a way to save Amy. And if that’s not enough of a challenge, he needs to convince Piper she belongs with him instead of her all-too-human boyfriend—if Craven doesn’t get to them first…

Love, Lattes and Danger on
Release Date: August 2015




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  • Tall, Dark and Undead wins the 2014 Golden Ankh Award
  • Silverhills is a 2009 Eppie Finalist.



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